Posts Tagged ‘Buy Villain Costumes’

Villain Costumes Contact Lenses – Villain Costumes

August 14, 2011

Villain Costumes Contact Lenses – Villain Costumes.


The Eyes Have It This Month!

This range of contact lenses start from approximately $70
a pair including delivery. They are in order from Left to Right.

Custom Novelty (Halloween, Special Effect, FX, Theatrical) Contact Lenses ideal for theatrical production, movie production, parties, Halloween, or just to make in impact. All novelty contact lenses are a final sale. No refunds or exchanges.

At these Prices I would yell them from the roof tops – normally you could expect to pay Double the price Plus Delivery. Click on the Contact that most appeal to your eyes and get some real eye candy happening next time you party.

Remember to check with an optometrist for the correct type of contact lenses for your eyes as eyes come in different shapes and sizes,  and sensitivities.

Villain Costumes

July 13, 2011

Villain Costumes – Has now got great new specials – Free expidited shipping on Book orders over $59
2 T-shirts for $30 – and many more. Now is the perfect time to take advantage of these amazing offers.

There are clearances for costumes – Buy one – Get one Free go and have a look!!

Villain Costumes and Why You Would Have More Fun Dressing up in Them

April 9, 2011

Why you would have more fun dressing up in Villain Costumes?

Going to a themed party in dressed up in Villain Costumes as opposed to the good guys will ensure that you have more fun. Lets face it, the only reason that heroes exist is because villains provide them with reasons to step up to the plate. So even if you are the only one dressed as a villain you will stand out and have more fun. Why is that?

Let see the main reasons would be:

  • Escapism
  • Unique
  • Association

Lets face it, no one lives a perfect life. Those that put up the front that they do, quite frankly LIE. Everyone wants to be able to put on a different mask and hide for a while and not be accountable for what they do. That is why we enjoy getting dressed up. It is the chance to portray another part of your own ego. A chance to have fun. A chance to let out that mischievous side you have bottled up.

When you go to a fancy dress party you want to be different to everyone else. If it is a Super hero theme then come dressed in a super villains costume. You will stand out and lets face it, it could pay off especially if you want the attention. You could become an impromptu official of events or be asked to help out with other worth while tasks. While there may be 2 or 3 guests dressed as superman there may only be one dressed as the Joker or Bizaro!

This tends to get back to Escapism as it will allow you to associate with the said villain that you are getting dressed up as. So at this juncture maybe a better question is why do people associate better with villains. Here are some of the reasons:

  • Socially incorrect
  • More flamboyant
  • More colorful
  • Sympathy

lets explore each one in more detail

1) Socially incorrect
Most times Villains are not bound ( or suffocated) by social strictures or they have had enough and break loose with reckless abandon. This represents a darker urge held by all of us, including the heroes to really let loose and not care for the political correctness that have been enforced by minority groups. They don’t care, for the most part about what the rest of society thinks. They will be happy to stomp a granny as much as a body builder and they normally have the gadgets weapons or powers to do so as well.

2) More flamboyant
The bad guy image. Lets face it they are more confident as they just don’t care which is the attraction that the opposite sex sees and gravitate towards. It is a case of the bad boy gets the girl and the NICE Guy misses out they also don’t hold back when it comes to displays of power and lets face it most of the really eye catching explosions are masterminded by villains

3) More Colorful
This gets back to the Social strictures or lack of adherence to these guidelines. They set the dress code and woe be to anyone that ridicules them. How often at school do you see the IN CROWD sporting some ridiculous attire and yet when the so called geeks come out with something half decent they get slapped down for it.

4) Sympathy
The villains who are they? They could have been heroes and yet they had a tragic past which turned them to the darker path, Examples: Darth Vader, magneto, Doctor Doom, Doctor Octopus. They turned their backs on an uncaring world and took control. Only the Heroes try to stop them and are as such seen as the champions of the masses. How often have you been embarrassed, ridiculed or even slighted by someone from the “IN CROWD” and wished a painful ill-gotten end to them. You can on some level sympathize with the villain. The stories with two dimensional villains normally flop where as the ones that have more punch per pound have a hook for the audience to associate with.

Now when you go to get dressed up as a villain at the next costume party, don’t forget to take a camera to the event so that you can catch all the memories.

Now if you are considering throwing your own Themed party then Villain Costumes contains information on what to consider to ensure that your party runs smoothly, as well as information available on how to make your own chain mail armor, not to mention that you can also to purchase your own costumes for your next Fancy Dress, Theme Party, LARP or Cosplay event or just urban wear for everyday living.

Even if you are going to a normal party you can have your own motif added by the urban clothing that you wear. You could wear a T-Shirt proclaiming yourself an “Evil Genius” or some other statement such as Minions wanted. Which could be a great pickup line for a guy or girl. “Hi would you like to be my evil minion?” This is definitely more low key but still worth doing for the ice breaking factor.

In any case the aim is to have fun and enjoy yourself.

This Article prepared by Villain Costumes Website. Contact details can be found at the site below. By Andrew McFayden

This Article may not be duplicated without the expressed written permission of the Author.

How to Plan a Villain Costumes Theme Party.

March 25, 2011

How to throw a great Villain Costumes Party

Remember how much fun it was as a child to dress up and believe that you were someone else. Whether you dressed up in Super Villain Costumes and or Super Hero outfits. It is always fun to watch the antics of young children and how much they enjoy putting on new personalities. the Same goes for Adults going to a Party. Adults can have fun normally but it then becomes a Photo spectacular event when you upgrade it to a Themed Party. Most people setup a hero them or medieval theme for these parties but few actually have what can be a lot of fun by having a Villain Slant to the Same party. Villain Costumes give us permission to be a little more wild and crazy, a temptress or a witch, a pirate or an executioner, who would like to dress up as Magneto or one of the brother hood of mutants. Lets face it people playing a villain can be just as much fun.

Costume Parties provoke conversations that differ from the normal and Villain Costumes even more so. Everyone knows about the heroes and there is a lot to be said about wearing your conversation piece on you. No more boring conversations about the ticks on the cat next door. Now you can talk in character about how much you would like to roast the cat next door!!!! Also if a couple have a falling out at the party while in costume who will think more of it?!  Everyone knows that Villains fight among themselves!!

Where to Start:
If you are going to make your themed Party, Villain Costumes, you are going to need a plan. That is, if like other villains, you want to be remembered for World Domination or at least Party Domination.

So here are the Steps to World um Party Domination:

  1. Who to Invite
  2. Decide on a Theme/Genre
  3. Where to get your Villain Costumes
  4. Date of the Party
  5. Party Games/Prizes
  6. Food to prepare
  7. Security and Saftey

Who to Invite:
This should be a no brainer – Other Villains – But Seriously Friends or and Family as is appropriate. You want people there who are going to add to the party atmosphere not bring it down with Drunken Obscene behavior.

Decide on a Theme/Genre
Decide on a Villain Costumes Party Theme. You can keep it generic allowing Villain Costumes from Historical or Mythical references, or from TV such as cartoons, sitcoms or movies, the list goes on. Just browse Villain Costumes and see what is available then it is a case of adding accessories. Some themes you can go for are Historical, Mythical, Super Villains, Sitcom Villains, Alien villains, Undead, Phantom Villains, Comic Book villains the list goes on.

Where to get your Villain Costumes:
The best place to Start is at Villain Costumes. You are going to want elaborate Villain Costumes that are the best quality that you and your guests can use more than once. This way they can always be used at fancy Dress office parties, on Halloween or other more generic costume parties. Best of all you can save yourself time, money, petrol and Energy by purchasing online.

Date of the Party:
Make sure to give yourself enough time to have your costumes delivered. Also allow extra, time if your guests will have to purchase or make their Villain costumes themselves. The thing is that by giving your guests enough notice about the party, they will be able to plan in advance, and organize their Villain Costumes and WMD’s, ummmm I mean Accessories. Then your plans will be set in motion and your party will be set to rock. First the Street then THE WORLD!!!!!!

Party Games/Prizes
To Make your costume party worth remembering you can have prizes for the best costume or if it is a large gathering for the best Villain Costumes in each Genre. Remember,  accessorize people! Villains are all for it. Death Rays, red double edged light-sabers, Unique super powers to doomsday devices.

Remember the friends and family that go to the effort of getting dressed up enjoy themselves the most. Having pictures of them dressed up in their Villain Costumes will stand out in the photo Album.

It is definitely worth having an area set aside for Photo’s at the start of the party because when people arrive in their Villain Costumes, will be when they will look their best. Get them to strike a pose, it will get them into the mood, not to mention it will make a great picture.

Food to prepare
Your Food can also have a theme as well. Just make sure that there is plenty of it as you don’t want your villains to go else where to get food and not return. Make sure you know what food allergies your guests have if any.

Security and Safety
Before you have the party on the day/night there are a couple of things to tick off.
Have the local police in your pocket….. um I mean let them know that you are having a themed party.
Give them the:

  • date it will be on.
  • time it will start and approximate finish time.
  • approximate number of people that will be attending.
  • also the name of any security company you will be using on the night.

If you arange for minions um security Guards to be at the party. Get them into the spirit as well by having them Dressed with a cursory Shirt marked as SECURITY. Make sure you feed them too. A minion marches on their stomach….. not a prety sight but fun to watch…… mwah hahahahha.!!

I am mentioning this again but make sure that you get a list of food that your guests are allergic to(check with the Minions as well,…. Hey you employ them, THERE YOUR MINIONS!). This way you can be sure that the food you order or make will be safe for everyone. You don’t want to change your Villain Costumes theme to a “who dunit” with you as the prime suspect.

“It was Dr Doom in the Kitchen with the peanuts!”

The best part of the Themed Villain Costumes party is that gate crashers are easily recognized and can be asked to leave. Failing this if you can see that they are looking to start trouble don’t confront them, especially alone. ORGANIZE FOR MORE THAN ONE OF YOUR MULTIPLE GUESTS TO TAKE A PHOTO WITH THEIR CAMERA PHONE, DISCRETELY! BEFORE OR WHILE YOU SPEAK WITH THEM. IF YOU GET ANY RESISTANCE, DON’T PUSH IT. Call the police (who SHOULD know about the party before hand) and inform them what has happened or is happening. THIS WAY YOU HAVE THEIR MUG SHOT should something happen and the police will be on their way.

Have a first aid kit available just in case someone injures themselves some how.

As with any party advise your neighbors or invite them just make sure that the invite states that entry is permitted to those with Villain Costumes.

You can also deck out your house with Villain propaganda and also have villain games and Trivia Questions. People Love prizes.

Have the numbers of a couple of Taxi Companies available should you need to call someone a cab also the number for the local hospital and Police station as well.

You can also let your Guests know before hand that you suspect that the police will be patrolling the area as well. That way if you have friends who are inclined to have too much to drink and get behind the wheel, this knowledge should make them think twice.

Finally with all that said have fun that is why you are having a Villain Costumes Theme Party after all and send me a couple of Pictures by Email. I would love to put them up on the site.

Villain Costumes Medieval – DIY Chain Mail

March 22, 2011

Medieval Villain Costumes – DIY Chain Mail
Compiled By Andrew McFayden

Antagonists of medieval times spent numerous amounts of coin to have their armor created.

Today you can create your own Chain Mail Villain Costumes if you know how to do so.

When making your own Chain Mail Villain Costumes, you must consider what type of metal and ring size you want to work with.

The thickness of wire is usually measured by a wire gauge system. To make things even more complicated, there are different wire gauge systems used for different types of metals.
EG:, copper-based metals normally use the Brown & Sharpe (AWG) wire gauge system, while steel is normally uses the standard wire gauge system (SWG).

When shopping for, or ordering wire, make sure you know what size you are getting as some wire suppliers will state the wire using of thousandths of an inch thickness. eg: 16 gauge wire is “.063” or 63 thousandths of an inch using the standard wire gauge system.

As different wire suppliers use different systems to avoid confusion, it is best to stick to one of the systems of actual measurement. Either the metric system (using millimetres) or the imperial system (using decimal inches) can be used for measuring wire size.

A good rule of thumb is to use the same system to measure wire size as you would use to measure ring size. This comes into play when you are measuring from aspect ratios.

Your Chain Mail Villain Costumes can be created from many different types of metal. Galvanized steel is probably the most popular wire to use. A bit of research will pay you dividends as you will need to balance cost to use to money you spend.

When creating your your own Chain Mai Villain Costumes, use a mandrel system to make the metal rings. It is simply a rod to wrap the wire around in order to form the rings. This can be done by hand but it does get very tiring.  The mandrel setup is a tool which accommodates a mandrel. There are basically two types of mandrel setups, the most basic style accomodates hand winding.  The other style is the setup that accomodates power winding, which requires the use of a drill or motor to wind the mandrels.

The mandrel holder can be easily constructed with one piece of 2×8 wood about 16″ – 24″ long, and two pieces of 1×8 wood about 8″ long. Screw the 1×8 boards to the 2×8 board, one on each end. Holes must be drilled in each of the 1×8 pieces of wood. The holes must be large enough to fit the mandrel, and also must line up properly with each other.

It is said that weaving your chain mail Villain Costumes parts is the easiest part of making chain mail. Once the rings are formed and cut, all you have to do is choose a weaving pattern. However, it is time consuming and repetitive. You must open a ring, join it to the rings you want it linked to, then close the ring.

You will need at least two good quality pairs of pliers. Your pliers will need to be in scale to match the piece you’re working on. If you are making actual chainmail armor, you’re probably using 14 gauge wire, so you’ll want average sized pliers.

Your Villain Costumes Chainmail is made up of thousands of rings, and you will either need to make them yourself out of your chosen metal, or buy them as most Villains do. Remember how most villains state, during their demise, that they should have done it themselves??. That applies here but if time is a factor you can contact Villain Costumes to find out the cost to get one premade to your size sent to you remember that this is time consuming but if you want to look great at your next Cosplay or re-enactment this is the way to go. Villain Costumes can also have rings created in bulk and sent to you so you can save time in creating and cutting the rings.

If you would like to work with steel, you can get it very cheaply at a farm supply store, in the form of electric fence wire. This is galvanized steel, usually in 14 gauge, and you can get a large spool of it for $10 to $20 and that will make many, many, many links. This is how i did it. Now I have moved house a couple of times and now I cant find it. *SOB*

The first step is to make ring assemblies from the basic rings. The second step is to make chains from the ring assemblies. The third step is to join the chains to make basic sections of mail. With the basic sections of mail, most any item can be made by attaching enough sections and subtracting the extra; kind of like laying a tile floor. The purpose of organizing the assembly steps into three parts is to simplify and speed up an otherwise tedious process. This system will allow the those starting to mass produce the component assemblies and avoid eye strain.  Before you know it your chain mail Villain Costumes parts will be coming together nicely.

It can be worth while purchasing a manequin so that you can gauge it as you work.

The first pattern presented for those starting out is the four-in-one pattern. Logically, four rings pass through each ring in a symmetrical interlocking pattern. You are advised to master this pattern before moving on to the more detailed six-in-one pattern. Mastering the basics will enable the you to spot mistakes more readily and increase your appreciation of the art.

The six-in-one pattern uses almost twice as many rings to make the same size area as the four-in-one, and is more time consuming to assemble. When you consider the cost of the 6 in 1 patterl, it is easy to understand the four-in-one pattern is so popular.

With that said excellent effects can be achieved with The six-in-one pattern placed in different parts of the four-in-one pattern with out much trouble along the shoulders  or Pectorals for a nice effect. Feel free to send in pictures of your work to Villain Costumes and I will be happy to put it up on the site for all to admire.

Below are some great links (pun intended) that I have some very helpful images that I referenced when compiling this information.

Some great sites on how to make Chain mail.

Villain Costumes and Hero Costumes Engagement Parties

March 19, 2011

From: Villain Costumes
Engagement Party Ideas for Adults
By Andrew McFayden

This post is about Villain Costumes and Engagement Party ideas for adults. I think even though kids enjoy most Engagement Parties as much as a trip to sunday church a lot of the Engagement party ideas may be less suitable for children. Do you want your engagement party to be ho hum like or have great memories of the night with brilliant pics of the Great hero, strange and Villain Costumes that people come up with . While adults are into Engagement parties and always want to meet new friends and really dance and party, the kids and children are the ones who go and are sidelined to the children’s table. That is if they do not go to any of the adult tables to entertain themselves!

So what kinds of Fancy Dress Engagement party ideas are there for adults? For one you can go with the scary theme with classic Villain Costumes from horror movies. This means dressing up in Villain Costumes of ghouls and ghosts and all kinds of scary stuff. There are many different types of Villain Costumes out there,  Freddy Krugger, Jason, Chucky also  you can have the Asian ghosts or the western headless apparition costumes.  Tomato juice and ketchup also acts as a good substitute for blood and so if you are wearing something simple you can just add a bit of ketchup or tomato juice to increase the bloody effect.

Besides the scary theme, another popular theme is the super hero versus super villain theme. There are just so many hero and villain costumes to choose from. The easiest would be just to flip through any marvel comic and I am sure you will already have plenty of ideas in your mind. For example, if we just take the characters in justice league, you can choose from costumes of superman, wonder woman, the green lantern etc. What about X-Men? Choose from Wolverine, Cyclops, Beast, Gambit, Rogue, Storm, etc. Then others such as Batman who go as Robin, Catwoman, Mr Freeze, Two Face, Poison Ivy, The Joker, etc. There is even more like Spiderman, Megamind or even Mr Incredibles and his family. So you see it is simply very difficult to run out of costume ideas for such a party theme.

There are of course other Engagement party themes for adults. You have the medieval theme with the costumes of the heroic Knights of the Round table and the Villain Costumes of Morgana or the Villain Costumes from Macbeth or other great Shakespeare plays.

To make it more of a fun event you can have Prizes for the costumes people have either bought or taken the time to make. For example, Best Heroic Costume, Best Villain Costume etc.

The best part is that after the engagement party you can then reuse the costumes for other events such as Halloween! So your guests could spend $200+ on a dress that they may only use once or spend the same amount or less and have a lot more fun being dressed up in Hero, medieval, scarey or Villain Costumes.

I had a Fancy Dress masquerade engagement party. Loved every minute of it and so did all the guests. Including the ones dressed up in Villain Costumes.

Villain Costumes Shop – Comming Soon at

March 18, 2011
Villain Costumes Logo

Come see us today for your Cosplay

Villain Costumes is up and Running. There will be pleasant surprises. New products to be added. Lots of work and so little time.

Did you know that super heroes are made to stand out by the Villains that they go up against. This is one of the reasons why Super Villain Costumes are also iconic. More to the point fans often can recognize their heroes silhouette and the silhouettes of the villains that the heroes go up against due to the distinct shape of the Villain Costumes that are worn.

Be it the Villain Costumes of the Fearsome Five. Of the Villain Costumes of the mutants in the X-men or Marvel comics. Most people will be able to recognize the silhouettes solely because these are stand out villains.

The Plan for is to make it the best online shopping destination to get your Villain Costumes.

I will also be looking to supply the hero and heroine costumes as well, just to keep the masses happy.